If you want to spend an enjoyable afternoon with friends experiencing the weather or just want to cook for yourself and create something truly delicious, you may have chosen the classic barbeque cookout as your activity of choice. However, the amount of fun you and any guests have at a barbeque strongly hinges on whether or not you are able to make some delicious food, and the right tool plays a large role in the job.
- Versatility
Having an outdoor flattop grill is the perfect tool to add to your arsenal if your main goal is to increase the versatility of your cooking and widen the number of dishes you can create from the comfort of your home. Traditional grills are great for cooking meat, but anything smaller will fall through the bigger gates they have, ruining the food and making a mess that is hard to clean up. On the other hand, a flat grill has no such issues, allowing you to effortlessly cook other foods that go perfectly with the normal menu of a barbeque, including bacon and eggs, which is why introducing this to your home has the capacity to change how you cook forever.
- Heat distribution
Heat distribution is one of the most important things to understand about cooking since all of your food gets cooked depending on the heat it’s getting, and different tools, pots, and pans deliver this heat differently. Grills only have a few points that they can use to distribute heat, which leads to an uneven cook, but, on the other hand, flattop grills heat food completely evenly, which is great for preventing raw or undercooked food from being given out, and, more often than not, can massively increase the speed with which you can cook.
- Better flavour and texture
When it comes to a cookout, nothing is more important than having the best flavour and texture for the meat you have prepared since it adds a huge impact to the experience you’re left with. Typical grills are great for this, as they can provide a fresh yet crispy and charry texture while integrating the natural juices and flavours of the meat flawlessly, but flattop grills are often better, as there’s less of a risk that the skin or the outside of the meat gets overcooked, leaving all of your guests with a perfectly balanced meal.
- Improved efficiency
Increasing the efficiency of all of your cooking may not seem like a major advantage to look out for in a grill because of how fun the process of cooking outdoors already is, but it is important if you’re planning on hosting parties, especially if you have a lot of people to call over. In many cookouts, things quickly get out of hand once you need to grill steaks and burger patties for a group of people, and it’s tough to keep track of all of them at once, which is why, with a flat grill, you’ll be able to give your guests food much faster and lessen the load on yourself.
- Unique cooking techniques
If you are looking to boost your cooking game and make it as fun as possible, a great option to try is Hibachi-style cooking, which is typically done using a grill similar to that of a flattop. Though this skill is tough to learn, it will always be an option, and if you are up to the task, you will be able to make far better dishes than you ever could. In addition, these grills are great for deglazing and prepping meat since, once the juices from the meat get drained, you’ll be left with a flavorful sauce that can be used for other meals.
Barbeques are some of the best activities out there for people who want to spend time together while creating delicious food fast, and many popular dishes like steak, lamb chops, and ribs only benefit when they are made using a grill. However, if you want more mileage out of all of your barbeques and make food that cooks faster and tastes as good as possible, it may be time to get a flat grill since, as you have read in this article, it has a massive impact on the quality of your cooking.